There are multiple reasons why a blog is required on the website:

1.  SEO

Websites focus on 3-5 top keywords for every product/service. Blog posts allow us to focus on other variations and other related keywords.

2. Traffic

People who come to read the blog posts also add traffic volume to the domain, and that is good for website rank. 

3. Page Rank

The more often a domain is updated, the more current its information is deemed to be by Google crawlers. We cannot keep updating the website content, but by updating the blog content regularly, we can get a high page rank on search results. But, to do this, we need to post at least 1-2 blog posts a week.

4. Credibility

A well planned and executed blog will help establish your credibility as thought leaders within the industry and enable people to think of you as credible and trustworthy. 

5. Content Marketing

We get to use interesting content about the brand and the products to also bring in traffic to the website via search results, instead of depending purely on ads or social media.

6. Resources

People who are genuinely interested in products and services of the brand will have access to everything they need to know on the blog, to get the confidence to make a decision without exiting the website.

7. Humanising the Brand

It has now become important to humanise the brand and tell stories about its inception, growth, mission, etc. It is important to introduce important members of the team in a more informal setting than the About section of the website. This makes readers more invested in the brand and more likely to make a decision in its favour.